The first people to the island, were Irish hermits, early in the century. IX. Seconds historical tales, these settlers had fled Vikings (Norway), who were led by Ingólfr Arnarson that year, 874 people were La. In the year of 930 stood the first Parliament of Iceland, the Althing, which favored the Christian missionaries (who helped build). Around the year 1000 everyone who lived there, had converted to Christianity.
Around 1262 and 1264 participated in a civil war, which had many consequences, for example, in 1380, Denmark joined with Norway, and the Icelanders were led by the Danes. For long 400 years the island suffered a lot, had many political and economic decadence, because of wear of the best land they owned, where they had their large herds of cattle. So this time the king of Denmark (Christian II), imposed the Lutheran religion in the country. In 1602 the royal monopoly was established for the purpose of this monopoly in 1787, Iceland began to rise again.
During the sec. XIX, a major movement (of independence), led by Jón Sigurdhsson. In 1874, Christian IX (king of Denmark), allowed Iceland had its own constitution, and in 1904 the country attained its independence, but she is independent, created a big problem, the government's decision to extend, (for fishing its territorial waters from three miles to 200 miles in 1950 in 1975); This extension was one reason the UK and other countries between the 1950s and 1960.O legislative power is exercised with the president and parliament ( Althing), which in 1991 ceased to be bicameral and now has only one camera, the 63 AU members.